The Call of The Dreamwalkers

Category: Young Adult - Fantasy-General
Author: Rafaele Désiré
Publisher: Clear Source Publishing
Publication Date: November 16, 2023
Number of Pages: 231
ISBN-13: 9780996672863

The Call of the Dreamwalkers by Rafaele Désiré is a young adult fantasy that follows the story of Anael, a 14-year-old girl living in a world where dreamwalking is real. Anael and her best friend Heloise are about to start their freshman year at Liberty High School, but their first day is disrupted by a prank involving a dummy hanging from the school's second-floor railing. As the story unfolds, Anael and Heloise become entangled in a mystery surrounding the prank, which seems connected to a dark force threatening their town. The crisis escalates when her best friend, Heloise, falls into a coma after a mysterious accident. A strange dream might be the only key to unlocking a frightening and mysterious to Ana, and the encounter with Arcadion reveals a disturbing truth —Mind Worms, forces of darkness, are targeting vulnerable young minds, and Ana is their next victim. Ana has a destiny she finds hard to embrace, but she must gather friends around her and embark on a journey to save her friend and destroy the dark forces.

The main characters in the book are well-developed and relatable. The protagonist, Anael, is a shy and introverted girl who struggles to express her feelings. She is obsessed with Angel, a popular student at her school, and longs to be noticed by him. Throughout the story, Anael learns to overcome her fears and insecurities, becoming more confident and assertive. On the other hand, Heloise is an outgoing and confident girl who is initially portrayed as a contrast to Anael's shyness. However, as the story progresses, Heloise's insecurities and fears are revealed, making her a more sophisticated and relatable character. The conflict in the book is multifaceted. The main plot revolves around the mystery of the prank and the dark force threatening the town. The characters also face internal conflicts, such as Anael's struggle to express her feelings and Heloise's fear of being bullied. The external conflict is escalated by the presence of bullies like Sonia and her entourage, who create tension and drama throughout the story.

The Call of the Dreamwalkers is set in a contemporary high school in a coastal town, providing a unique backdrop for the fantasy elements introduced later in the book. The author effectively uses descriptive language to bring the setting to life, making it easy for readers to imagine the characters' experiences. The writing is gorgeous, and the narrative voice has a tinge of intimacy, absorbing readers and expertly exploring the protagonist's psyche. The descriptions are terrific and immersive, drawing readers into the characters' worlds. The pacing is well-balanced, with a good mix of action, dialogue, and introspection. Rafaele Désiré has a unique gift for character, and the world of teenagers is brought to life by this enthralling urban fantasy. It is delightful, with a measured pace and tension growing as the story progresses. 

Reviewed By: Elena Enger


Date: September 22, 2024

Sci-Fi & Fantasy