Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Fractured State

R.M. Tembreull (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by Cristina Prescott

R.M. Tembreull’s Fractured State, the inaugural entry in the Blighted Earth series, blends dystopian fiction and socio-political commentary to examine chaos, existential risk, and human folly. Set against the backdrop of a fractured modern society teetering on the brink of collapse, Tembreull crafts a narrative that is both intricate and unsettling, weaving together various storytelling threads that highlight humanity's struggles with ideological extremism, environmental degradation, and the pursuit of power. Chaos, the Dest...

How to Care for Cursed Fi...

Elle Hartford (Phoenix & Kelpie Press)

| Reviewed by Eugene Lasha

How to Care for Cursed Fish, Elle Hartford's latest novel plunges readers into a magical world where marine life and enchantment intertwine. The story follows Sunlit Haven, a passionate and dedicated marine veterinary student whose life mirrors responsibility, community, and the nuances of magic. Sunlit is tasked with caring for wounded sea creatures and an unexpected young boy who claims to be a Kraken. The story opens with charm and urgency as Sunlit receives a call about a giant otter in need. This prologue establishes the unique setting of...

Sand Dunes and Skyscraper...

Delia Simpson (House of Fables™)

| Reviewed by Eugene Lasha

Delia Simpson’s Sand Dunes and Skyscrapers is a thrilling dystopian science fiction that immerses readers into a stark, oppressive world marked by gritty realities and unexpected twists. The novel follows Sherwin, a dedicated tram conductor whose mundane life is turned upside down when she is removed from her position and assigned to a precarious role under the enigmatic Šéf, the tyrannical leader controlling the City. The narrative follows Sherwin as she embarks on a mission to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a blue-haired girl nam...

Children of Madness

Jarrett Brandon Early (Jarrett Brandon Early)

| Reviewed by Bertin Drizller

Children of Madness by Jarrett Brandon Early is a bold and imaginative work set in the vast and intricate world of Quaan, a realm teeming with conflict, mysticism, and the struggles of youth against a backdrop of divine intervention and survival. Early’s prose is richly descriptive, conveying a unique blend of whimsical fantasy elements and the grittiness of a harsh reality, making the book an engaging read for young adults and grown-up fantasy aficionados. The world of the Quaan is plagued by the Gloomtide, a suffocating shadow of melanch...


Jason F Boggs (Self published)

| Reviewed by Jane Riley

Ira is the latest installment in Jason F. Boggs’ Devil’s Dragon series, a vibrant tapestry of vengeance, space exploration, and moral dilemmas. The narrative primarily revolves around Ira Bilis, a villain whose fierce ambition demonstrates a psychopathic edge and a relentless thirst for power and revenge. Following her previous defeat at the hands of Nelson and Alene, Ira retreats into the cosmos, plotting her revenge. In her pursuit of power, Ira aligns herself with Magnus, a mysterious alien lord with dubious intentions. Magnus stands out as...

Quantum Consequence

Mike Murphey (Acorn Publishing, LLC)

| Reviewed by Matthew Novak

In this gripping and thought-provoking novel, time-traveling lovers Marta and Marshall return to their lives in the Caribbean, only to face a new challenge when a friend is murdered, and they are left to care for a 10-year-old boy. As they delve deeper into the mystery of their friend's death, they discover that they are not alone in their struggles. A parallel universe is on the brink of becoming a dictatorship, and their actions in the past have consequences that echo through the present. Meanwhile, a sinister force is growing in power as art...

The Good Witch of the Sou...

T C Bartlett (Sandhill Publishers; Frist ed. edition (September 20, 2020))

| Reviewed by Bertin Drizller

In the mystical Land of Oz, darkness brews on the horizon. Rumors of dragons and an evil enchantress gathering an army to overthrow the Great Head of Oz send shockwaves throughout the kingdom. Amidst this turmoil, sixteen-year-old Samantha Goodwitch, daughter of Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, defies her mother's wishes to embark on a dangerous quest for adventure. Joined by Akasha, a mysterious Shadow Mountain Cat, Sam is entangled in a deadly game of magic and mayhem. As the stakes grow, they rally a motley crew of allies to fight agains...

The Wenamak Web

Marie Howalt (Spaceboy Books LLC)

| Reviewed by Cristina Prescott

The Wenamak Web by Marie Howalt is an engaging sci-fi that follows Richard Hart, a private investigator, as he arrives in Wenamak to meet an old acquaintance, Chrys, a doctor who has a job offer for him. Richard and his companions — spaceship pilot Eddie and travel guide writer Alannah — quickly discover dark secrets beneath the gleaming surface of Wenamak. On this planet where the dominant Wendek species can smell fear and lies, they are drawn into a web of illegal trade and exploitation. With their unique skills and expertise, they'...

The Dowry

Michael J. Nercessian (Independently Published)

| Reviewed by Eugene Lasha

The Dowry: A Novel by Michael J. Nercessian is a distinct dive into an unsettling, somewhat dystopian world that is equal parts sci-fi and social commentary, through the lens of his protagonist, Talis, Nercessian charts the harrowing quest for societal acceptance and personal fulfillment in a futuristic society where traditional order, technology, and human nature collide. Overpopulation has turned reproduction into a privilege, and Talis and Lark's marriage is unraveling under the weight of their unmet longing for a child. As they navigate a s...

The Last Elf Daughter

Jennifer Shand (Olympia Publishers)

| Reviewed by Jane Riley

The Last Elf Daughter by Jennifer Shand takes readers on an enchanting adventure through a captivating YA urban fantasy. Evie appears to be an ordinary thirteen-year-old girl, enjoying time with her friends, participating in sports, and beginning to notice a boy in her class who catches her interest. Everything about her life seems typical—until it isn't. When Evie suddenly becomes gravely ill under mysterious circumstances, her parents unveil an astonishing secret: she is the daughter of a female elf, making her the last young female elf...

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