Patrick M. Garry | Spirituality & Inspiration
Patrick M. Garry’s The Power of Gratitude is a profoundly moving memoir that examines the intricacies of gratitude as a life philosophy, shaped profoundly by the lives of the author’s parents, Michael and Elizabeth Garry. Through clever storytelling, Garry enriches the reader's understanding of how gratitude can be more than just a gesture—it can be a transformative way of life that inspires joy, builds resilience, and injects a strong sense of purpose into the everyday. The author’s assertion instantly moves readers: “Gratitude is not just a thank you for a specific benefit; it is a way of life.” This quote summarizes the memoir's recurrent theme, illustrating how the Garry family's gratitu...
Continue ReadingZoe Disigny | Fiction - Womens
Zoe Disigny's The Art of Traveling Strangers explores personal transformation against the backdrop of art and travel. Claire Markham embarks on a transformative journey to Europe as an art guide, hoping to escape the emotional toll of her recent divorce and strained relationship with her daughter, Amber. The novel reveals Claire's internal struggles and features vibrant characters, particularly her employer, Viv Chancey, whose exuberance and impulsive nature challenge Claire's sense of control. The novel begins with an evocative scene aboard Claire’s flight to Europe, where she reflects on her life through the lens of art. Disigny skillfully illustrates how art can symbolize personal experie...
Continue ReadingFlorence Lea Dombey |
In Unci, the gritty streets of New York City and the enchanting Connecticut countryside come alive in a visceral tale of darkness and resilience. When homophobic skinheads brutally attack a high-society cleric’s son, he finds refuge with Unci and her granddaughter, Martha Beauvais. Together, they navigate a soul-bound journey of healing, redemption, and destiny. As Martha, a lovestruck ironworker, and the mystical Unci confront their demons, they become potent allies against a malevolent force haunting Manhattan’s innocence. Blending Native American wisdom with a kaleidoscope of cultural narratives, this genre-defying novel reveals the intricacies of trauma, love, and the indomitable spirit...
Continue ReadingMatthew Fults | Terrorist-Thriller
Matthew Fults’ The Scotland Project delivers a gripping narrative grounded in the remnants of past tragedies and the spectrum of human desperation in the face of global terror. The story commences with Mathieu James, an investigative journalist and covert CIA operative haunted by his parents' deaths during the tragic 2005 London bombings, now entangled in a web of international intrigue that links distinct yet interconnected events spanning continents. The plot accelerates as James finds himself investigating a new lead about a potential connection to his parent's past and a suspected “fifth bomber.” This narrative drives him across various landscapes, from the arid allure of Joshua Tree to...
Continue ReadingHoward Wetsman | Fiction - Time Travel
Howard Wetsman’s The House on Constantinople, the first volume of the Just In Time series, invites readers into a rich world of intrigue, revenge, and philosophical contemplation against a turbulent historical period. Central to the narrative is a young man cloaked in anger and aspiration, navigating the treacherous waters of political machination in the waning years of the Roman Empire. The prologue introduces a character whose existential struggle is palpable—a man not seeking spiritual solace but biding time until retribution can be delivered. Fueled by a thirst for vengeance against the ruling family that stripped him of everything, he begins a quest for revenge. He is unwittingly thrust...
Continue ReadingGail Ward Olmsted | Fiction - Womens
In Guessing at Normal, Gail Ward Olmsted delivers a gripping romance that deftly explores themes of identity, belonging, and the complications of love against the backdrop of the tumultuous music industry. The novel follows the journey of Jill Griffin, a young woman seeking normalcy amid a chaotic life filled with dysfunctional family relationships and a burgeoning romance with James Sheridan, a struggling musician. Readers are introduced to a cast of characters who contribute richly to Jill's journey of self-discovery and the quest for authentic connection. Jill is a relatable heroine whose insecurities stem from her troubled upbringing. Her interactions with James reveal her brok...
Continue ReadingGreg Stidham | Poetry - General
Greg Stidham’s Listening to Miles Davis and Gil Evans on a Saturday Night is a lyrical exploration of life through the lens of nature, grief, sociopolitical reflections, and personal anecdotes. The gorgeous poetry collection pulsates with a richness that resonates like the jazz compositions of the legends it references. Stidham’s poetry, interwoven with vivid imagery and profound insights, captures intimate and universally relatable moments. The title poem sets the tone for this poetic utterance as it evokes a serene imagery of quiet contemplation accompanied by the melancholic notes of Davis and Evans. The way Stidham writes, “the mournful strains of the Adagio / evoke some Andalusian pain,...
Continue ReadingMIKE J B | Children - Fiction
In The Angry Toolbox Adventures, author Mike J.B. crafts a whimsical and engaging narrative that explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and perseverance through the adventures of a young boy and his animated toolbox. Set within the cozy confines of Leroy's home, the story begins on a frosty winter morning, with Leroy's enthusiasm for his toolbox foreshadowing the adventure ahead. As the festive decorations are taken down, the household dynamics are beautifully illustrated, providing a backdrop for Leroy's close relationship with his family, including his forgetful Grandad. The central conflict soon arises as the angry toolbox, personified with delightful characteristics, awakens to a...
Continue ReadingKirsten Pursell | Romance
In The Scarlet D by Kirsten Pursell, Scarlet embarks on a daring journey of self-reinvention after a thirty-year marriage crumbles. Seeking solace on Sullivan's Island, she joins a divorced women's book club, hoping to connect with like-minded souls. Amidst the stunning backdrop of South Carolina, her dormant desires come to life when she encounters the charming Ben, a younger man who challenges her boundaries. However, the confident Beau, a maturer suitor and a man more suited for her age, offers a glimpse of true connection. As past wounds resurface with the arrival of an old flame, Scarlet must navigate love, judgment, and the possibility of a second chance. The novel opens with Scarlet's...
Continue ReadingGreg Donaldson | Business and Investing
In The Hidden Power of Rising Dividends, Greg Donaldson presents a compelling journey through the volatile investing world, ultimately shifting his focus to a dividend-centric approach. Through engaging anecdotes and insightful commentary, he details his transformation from a conventional growth investor to an advocate for high-dividend-yield stocks, emphasizing their stability and reliability in uncertain markets. One of the book's central messages is the inherent value of dividends to cultivate security and growth in investments. Donaldson illustrates this through his personal experiences, particularly during the stock market crash of 1987, when his conviction in the stability provided by...
Continue ReadingLaurel Colless | Children - Adventure
Knights Unite is the fourth book in the Peter Blue Series by Laurel Colless, and it follows Riva du Lac, who is determined to uphold her promise to avoid detentions at Spiral Hall. But a sea cleanup reveals Shem, a mythical fish boy, and a surprise honor from the Spiral Knights forces her to choose between rules and friendship. Meanwhile, Peter Blue has a vision of a water-dwelling monster. Can their unlikely alliance save the knights—and the world? Laurel Colless captures the delicate balance of environmental activism and adolescent adventure through the eyes of Riva, the determined twelve-year-old protagonist. The character development is both nuanced and engaging, particularly in Riva’s j...
Continue ReadingJuan Zamora | Science Fiction & Fantasy
Juan Zamora's The Trillion Dollar Cow is a captivating tale with elements of a dystopian setting, a world devoid of the internet. It explores themes of loss, ambition, and the complicated espionage game. The story follows a young boy, Reymundo, who must struggle to find his place in the world after his father's disappearance during a war. He is presented as a naïve young man, but he quickly becomes embroiled in a world of espionage, and when the stakes get high, his only way of escape becomes a cow. The narrative intricately unfolds within the grim backdrop of a society grappling with scarcity and authoritarian control, depicting Rey's evolution from a naive boy to a resourceful young adult...
Continue ReadingColin Dodds | Fiction - Literary
The Reign of the Anti-Santas by Colin Dodds is a unique and audacious Christmas tale that takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through a world where the holiday spirit collides head-on with corporate greed, scandal, and societal change. The story is narrated by Elvin, an elf with a front-row seat to the evolution and devolution of Christmas. Elvin's journey begins when he unwittingly accompanies Santa Claus on a Christmas Eve trip, setting the stage for a decades-long adventure filled with intrigue and danger. Dodds creates a narrative that includes Santa's secret affairs, the PR scandal that catapults Rudolph to fame, and the encroachment of humanity on the North Pole. What makes this book...
Continue ReadingHoward Wetsman (Idea Breeder)
Howard Wetsman’s The House on Constantinople, the first volume of the Just In Time series, invites readers into a rich world of intrigue, revenge, and philosophical contemplation against a turbulent historical period. Central to the narrative is a young man cloaked in anger and aspiration, navigating the treacherous waters of political machination in the waning years of the Roman Empire. The prologue introduces a character whose existential struggle is palpable—a man not seeking spiritual solace but biding time until retribution can be delivere...
Florence Lea Dombey (Independently Published via KDP)
In Unci, the gritty streets of New York City and the enchanting Connecticut countryside come alive in a visceral tale of darkness and resilience. When homophobic skinheads brutally attack a high-society cleric’s son, he finds refuge with Unci and her granddaughter, Martha Beauvais. Together, they navigate a soul-bound journey of healing, redemption, and destiny. As Martha, a lovestruck ironworker, and the mystical Unci confront their demons, they become potent allies against a malevolent force haunting Manhattan’s innocence. Blending Native Ame...
Thomas A. Burns, Jr. (Tekrighter, LLC)
To Keep Our Honor Clean by Thomas A. Burns, Jr. is a gripping and emotionally grounded novel that follows the lives of the United States Marine Corps, both in the heat of the Vietnam War and two decades later. In 1988, Master Gunnery Sergeant Amos Murdoch retires to start the 3M Detective Agency with fellow veterans Solly Pinkus and Jonny Edwards. Their simple investigation into workman’s comp claims spirals into a chilling murder case involving a disgraced homosexual Marine. As the trio uncovers a conspiracy rooted in their Vietnam past, they...
Juan Zamora (
Juan Zamora's The Trillion Dollar Cow is a captivating tale with elements of a dystopian setting, a world devoid of the internet. It explores themes of loss, ambition, and the complicated espionage game. The story follows a young boy, Reymundo, who must struggle to find his place in the world after his father's disappearance during a war. He is presented as a naïve young man, but he quickly becomes embroiled in a world of espionage, and when the stakes get high, his only way of escape becomes a cow. The narrative intricately unfolds within the...
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