Norman Coutts | Memoir
The Naked Sailor by Norman Coutts is an evocative memoir recounting the author’s journey through Southeast Asia aboard a yacht, inviting readers to navigate the turbulent waters of life, fear, friendship, and self-discovery. The story revolves around Coutts’ unexpected sailing trip, prompted by an invitation from his childhood friend Rob. Despite his initial trepidation about sailing, ignorance of the sea, and the looming threat of pirates, Coutts' journey becomes a personal metamorphosis shaped by his surroundings' natural beauty and challenges. The characters in The Naked Sailor are just lovable and steeped in depth. Norman is at the story's core—a middle-aged man confronting his fea...
Continue ReadingToni M. Andrews | Fantasy - General
Toni M. Andrews’ The Road to Second Chance is a clever exploration of grief, grit, and the quest for closure set against the backdrop of 1962 small-town West Virginia and the suburbs of Washington, D.C. The narrative follows Laney Mae Martin, whose idyllic early childhood is shattered by the tragic loss of her father, Gil. The emotional turmoil unleashed by his death—a life-altering car crash that takes both his life and that of another woman—catalyzes a haunting journey of self-discovery. Can she ever come to terms with the loss, and how does she find herself after losing someone as important as a father? These are questions explored in this spellbinding tale. Toni M. Andrews’ ch...
Continue ReadingJohn H. Wulsin Jr. | Historical Fiction
In John H. Wulsin Jr.’s DRAUSIN and JOSEPHINE: We Too Shall Pass, Drauzin Valsin Bacas uncovers his father’s secret of passing as white in 1850s New Orleans. Banished and fleeing racial oppression, he and his wife, Josephine, navigate the perilous world of white identity in Cincinnati. As they confront family legacies, they must consider the cost of denial and the hope of future generations. This is a powerful work of historical fiction that richly weaves personal and communal narratives against the backdrop of early 19th-century New Orleans. The tale follows the intertwining lives of Drauzin Valsin Bacas and Josephine Young, exploring their struggles, identities, and the universal search fo...
Continue ReadingKen Jackson | Fiction - Science Fiction
Ken Jackson’s The Maelstrom of Destiny, the third installment in The AtLan Chronicles, is a mesmerizing science fiction that explores themes of colonization, loyalty, and personal ambition. Set on a vibrant yet tumultuous Earth, the story follows Tahryn, a young AtLan man dealing with the ramifications of his culture’s failed mission to integrate the native tribes into a technologically advanced civilization. As the AtLan prepare to abandon their post, chaos erupts with the brutal murder of Droga, a respected leader of the rebellious K’dari tribe, witnessed by Tahryn and his love interest, Sahla. Jackson excels in character development, portraying Tahryn as a conflicted...
Continue ReadingWes Snowden | Historical Fiction
Wes Snowden's The Seagull delivers an emotionally rich tale fraught with adventure, romance, and an intriguing protagonist’s moral dilemmas set against the backdrop of 18th-century America just before the War of Independence. The narrative follows Jeremy Whitehall, a London gentleman forced by his greedy and unscrupulous uncle, Rolland Silas Crabb, into a dangerous quest to uncover trade secrets in Nantucket. As we follow Jeremy's journey, we see him struggling with his precarious task and his interactions with distinct characters that enhance the story's depth. His interactions with Monique Saffron and Faith Mitchell reveal a transformation in Jeremy—he evolves from a self-indulgent wastrel...
Continue ReadingColin Dodds | Fiction - Literary
The Reign of the Anti-Santas by Colin Dodds is a unique and audacious Christmas tale that takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through a world where the holiday spirit collides head-on with corporate greed, scandal, and societal change. The story is narrated by Elvin, an elf with a front-row seat to the evolution and devolution of Christmas. Elvin's journey begins when he unwittingly accompanies Santa Claus on a Christmas Eve trip, setting the stage for a decades-long adventure filled with intrigue and danger. Dodds creates a narrative that includes Santa's secret affairs, the PR scandal that catapults Rudolph to fame, and the encroachment of humanity on the North Pole. What makes this book...
Continue ReadingD.E. Ring | Detective & Mystery
In the fifth installment of the Urquhart & MacDonald Mystery series, set in the small east coast port city of Barrachois in 1949, new parents Jimmy and Sandy Urquhart enjoy a summer morning when an explosion shatters their tranquility. The blast initially thought to conceal a murder, leads to a baffling discovery: a dead body found in a locked hotel room, with all exits secured from the inside. As the team delves more deeply, they realize that the truth behind these impossible events lies far beyond the confines of the city. Death, Made Proud by D.E. Ring is a compelling entry into the Urquhart & MacDonald series, deftly merging elements of mystery with a rich canvas of so...
Continue ReadingP.S. Glyckherr | Poetry
P.S. Glyckherr's poetry collection, I Believe, and Jesus Knows! resonates deeply with themes of faith, love, hope, and the profound connections among family and friends. This collection offers a heartfelt tribute, particularly to the author's daughters and future generations, weaving threads of personal experience with universal truths. The poems reflect a rich canvas of emotions, highlighting the beauty in life's fleeting moments, the struggles of personal loss, and the healing power of love and faith. Glyckherr's work delivers vivid imagery and relatable metaphors that bring her experiences to life. In “If I Were a Clown,” the poet uses the clown as a symbol of transformation and freedom,...
Continue Reading| Romance
Juliana Chan’s Make a Wish, Anna is a compelling exploration of ambition, love, and self-identity set against the backdrop of the high-pressure world of Hollywood. The narrative follows Anna, an unassuming makeup artist entangled in a tumultuous relationship with Chris Steward, a rising movie star. The novel opens with a poignant moment at Anna's birthday celebration, where she hesitates over her wish, foreshadowing her internal struggles throughout the story. Anna gave up on her wishes after losing her parents. When handsome movie star Chris becomes her client, she never anticipates his romantic interest. As their connection deepens, she longs for the love and security she’s misse...
Continue ReadingKirsten Pursell | Romance
In The Scarlet D by Kirsten Pursell, Scarlet embarks on a daring journey of self-reinvention after a thirty-year marriage crumbles. Seeking solace on Sullivan's Island, she joins a divorced women's book club, hoping to connect with like-minded souls. Amidst the stunning backdrop of South Carolina, her dormant desires come to life when she encounters the charming Ben, a younger man who challenges her boundaries. However, the confident Beau, a maturer suitor and a man more suited for her age, offers a glimpse of true connection. As past wounds resurface with the arrival of an old flame, Scarlet must navigate love, judgment, and the possibility of a second chance. The novel opens with Scarlet's...
Continue ReadingAishah Hight | Children - Grade K-3rd
In Cake, Lemonade, and Sprinkles, Aishah Hight beautifully captures the universal struggle for self-identity through the experiences of a young girl named London. Set against the backdrop of a costume birthday party, the story unfolds as London struggles with choosing a costume that reflects her individuality and personality while yearning for her friends' approval. Facing the dilemma of fitting in with her friends or showcasing her unique style, London explores creative ideas that just don’t feel like her. With inspiration, she learns the importance of self-expression and the courage to stand out. Aishah Hight’s colorful storytelling, paired with exquisite jeweled-toned illustrations,...
Continue ReadingJanice S. Ellis, Ph.D. | Current Events & Politics
In Using My Word Power: Advocating for a More Civilized Society, Book II: Patriotism and Politics, Janice S. Ellis provides a powerful exploration of the intersection of journalism, patriotism, and political consciousness. Drawing from over four decades of commentary, Ellis reflects on the shifting American socio-political landscape, emphasizing the need for civil discourse and ethical engagement in public life. Ellis's writing addresses pressing issues such as race relations, healthcare access, the implications of gun violence, and civic engagement. Each commentary delivers a reminder of the challenges faced by American society, showcasing how many issues—ranging from gun con...
Continue ReadingAlisse Lee Goldenberg | Teen & Young Adult
Alisse Lee Goldenberg’s The Ghost in the Garden is a captivating middle-grade novel that deftly navigates themes of friendship, grief, and the supernatural through the lens of a young girl named Sophie Madison. After moving from her bustling city life in Calgary to the quieter Stratford, Ontario, Sophie struggles to adapt to her new surroundings and confronts unsettling experiences in her new home. The narrative begins with Sophie’s reluctance and disdain for her new life—emotions relatable to anyone who has faced significant change. Goldenberg’s portrayal of Sophie’s alienation captures the complex world of young adolescence while employing a charming blend of humor and angst. The real twis...
Continue ReadingD.E. Ring (Grinder)
In the fifth installment of the Urquhart & MacDonald Mystery series, set in the small east coast port city of Barrachois in 1949, new parents Jimmy and Sandy Urquhart enjoy a summer morning when an explosion shatters their tranquility. The blast initially thought to conceal a murder, leads to a baffling discovery: a dead body found in a locked hotel room, with all exits secured from the inside. As the team delves more deeply, they realize that the truth behind these impossible events lies far beyond the confines of the city. Death, Ma...
Toni M. Andrews (Paper House)
Toni M. Andrews’ The Road to Second Chance is a clever exploration of grief, grit, and the quest for closure set against the backdrop of 1962 small-town West Virginia and the suburbs of Washington, D.C. The narrative follows Laney Mae Martin, whose idyllic early childhood is shattered by the tragic loss of her father, Gil. The emotional turmoil unleashed by his death—a life-altering car crash that takes both his life and that of another woman—catalyzes a haunting journey of self-discovery. Can she ever come to terms with the loss, and how does...
John H. Wulsin Jr. (Atmosphere Press)
In John H. Wulsin Jr.’s DRAUSIN and JOSEPHINE: We Too Shall Pass, Drauzin Valsin Bacas uncovers his father’s secret of passing as white in 1850s New Orleans. Banished and fleeing racial oppression, he and his wife, Josephine, navigate the perilous world of white identity in Cincinnati. As they confront family legacies, they must consider the cost of denial and the hope of future generations. This is a powerful work of historical fiction that richly weaves personal and communal narratives against the backdrop of early 19th-century New Orleans. T...
Norman Coutts (Atmosphere Press)
The Naked Sailor by Norman Coutts is an evocative memoir recounting the author’s journey through Southeast Asia aboard a yacht, inviting readers to navigate the turbulent waters of life, fear, friendship, and self-discovery. The story revolves around Coutts’ unexpected sailing trip, prompted by an invitation from his childhood friend Rob. Despite his initial trepidation about sailing, ignorance of the sea, and the looming threat of pirates, Coutts' journey becomes a personal metamorphosis shaped by his surroundings' natural beauty and cha...
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