Finding the Light, Navigating Dementia With My Son

Category: Memoir
Author: Kasey Claytor
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Publication Date: October 4, 2024
Number of Pages: 75 in PDF format
ISBN-13: 979-8-218-47700-4

In her poignant memoir Finding the Light: Navigating Dementia with My Son, Kasey Claytor confronts the devastating reality of her son Justin's diagnosis of Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD). At the heart of this narrative are profound themes of love and resilience that shape both the author's and Justin's experiences. Claytor's tone is one of raw honesty interspersed with moments of tenderness; she shares insights into her tumultuous journey with a heart grounded in love for her son while struggling with the harsh realities of his condition. The adjustments she must make to create an environment where her son can evolve with a strong sense of self-worth are captured in detail. This memoir offers an irresistible premise — a mother’s discovery that her 49-year-old son has early dementia.

The relationship between Kasey and Justin is the central anchor of the memoir, characterized by an evolving dynamic that grows more symbiotic as Justin's condition progresses. Initially, Kasey struggles with guilt and self-blame regarding Justin's upbringing, a common thread many parents may understand. However, as the memoir unfolds, her perspective shifts towards acceptance and compassion for herself and Justin. The raw emotion creates the rhythm of the narrative as Kasey reflects on their shared moments, from lighthearted interactions to profoundly challenging days filled with uncertainty. 

Linguistically, Claytor employs vivid imagery that illustrates her feelings in the moments spent with Justin. Descriptive passages capture not just the mundane aspects of caregiving but also the joyful moments, like Justin’s celebratory ‘yeses’ to simple pleasures and his unconditional love for those around him. The language she uses shifts seamlessly from the clinical vocabulary that pervades discussions of dementia to the tender dialogues shared between mother and son, creating an intimate portrait of their life together. 

Finding the Light explores the broader implications of caregiving and the societal attitudes surrounding dementia. Through her experiences, Claytor emphasizes the importance of compassion over judgment, especially considering the human reactions people with dementia can evoke. The central message underlines that beyond the disease and its symptoms lies a person deserving of dignity, love, and understanding. Kasey's insistence on finding “the light” in their journey provides hope to others enduring similar struggles, affirming that love can illuminate a path forward even amid the darkness. This memoir is filled with light, insight, and love. It is a story of motherhood and humanity that will capture the hearts of many readers. 

Reviewed By: Cristina Prescott


Date: September 21, 2024

Biography & Memoir