The Flying Bushman - Stories from the Heart

Category: Non-Fiction - Memoir
Author: Greg Keynes
Publisher: Greg Keynes
Publication Date: March 28, 2023
Number of Pages: 149
ISBN-10: 978-0-6456697-0-1

The Flying Bushman — Stories from the Heart by Greg Keynes features a collection of stories that are set, mostly, against the backdrop of Western Australia, Murchison country, a sequel to The Flying Bushman: An Australian Story of Life above the Land. These stories offer a fresh appreciation for life, hard work, embracing a purpose, and experiencing a strong connection with nature. The author takes readers on a ride, following a young man's travel to Europe, surviving a deadly helicopter crash, and more.

What is fascinating about Greg Keynes' work is the author's ability to infuse the setting with life, offering dazzling portraits of the locales, and the natural elements that embellish the setting. The characters are believable and readers will love them. The first story introduces Ron Rogers from Cary Downs Station as ''a hard-working bush bloke who had been given little and didn't expect something for nothing.'' Keynes has the ability to write details and peculiar traits into the characters that immediately catch the attention of readers. Against the harsh backdrop, the author brings to readers stories about animals and tough people, from goats and horses to cowboys, finely painting images of a way of life that is as captivating as it can be. The Flying Bushman — Stories from the Heart is a gorgeous collection that depicts the author's lived experiences and his connection to places. The setting comes to life in this narrative and feels like a character in its own right. From the stellar writing to the impeccable characterization, Greg Keynes comes across as an extraordinary storyteller. 

Reviewed By: Romuald Dzemo


Date: March 21, 2023

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