How to Care for Cursed Fish

Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author: Elle Hartford
Publisher: Phoenix & Kelpie Press
Publication Date: August 6, 2024
Number of Pages: 246
ISBN-13: 979-8-9893937-6-3

How to Care for Cursed Fish, Elle Hartford's latest novel plunges readers into a magical world where marine life and enchantment intertwine. The story follows Sunlit Haven, a passionate and dedicated marine veterinary student whose life mirrors responsibility, community, and the nuances of magic. Sunlit is tasked with caring for wounded sea creatures and an unexpected young boy who claims to be a Kraken. The story opens with charm and urgency as Sunlit receives a call about a giant otter in need. This prologue establishes the unique setting of New West Key University’s Marine Center and the magical laws that govern the world. The interplay between scientific understanding and emotional intuition creates a rich dynamic within which the narrative evolves. Sunlit's ability to “feel” what animals are experiencing creates a layer of complexity to her character --- a bridge between the empirical and the extraordinary.

Hartford’s novel captures the idea that caring for marine life extends beyond veterinary practice into broader themes of belonging and identity. Fish, the Kraken-like boy, illustrates this beautifully; his whimsical assertions about being a creature of the ocean prompt some of the novel's most profound reflections on childhood innocence and the search for a home. How Fish integrates into Sunlit’s chaotic life effectively mirrors the fluidity of the ocean surrounding them, emphasizing that unpredictability is a central part of existence in both the sea and life itself. The author excels in world-building. The characters are elaborately developed, from the supportive Professor Lina McAlpin to the rugged Officer Ebb. Each character embodies facets of community life and is a part of Sunlit’s journey. The various magical creatures, including the titular cursed fish, augment the whimsical charm of the narrative and are intertwined with the ecosystem, revealing the interconnectedness of all beings in Hartford's universe.

How to Care for Cursed Fish presents readers with ethical dilemmas about caretaking, showcasing how Sunlit struggles with her responsibilities towards the animals and Fish. Her evolution from a diligent student to a thoughtful guardian parallels her growing connection with the community, especially as she contemplates her role in Fish's life and the implications of potentially applying to be his guardian amid rumors and local scrutiny. This novel is a delightful blend of fantasy and magic with resonant themes. Through intriguing and complex characterization, a vividly imaginative setting, and explorative themes, Elle Hartford crafts an engaging story that challenges readers to think about the role of care, compassion, and the magic within nature and our relationships. A delectable read!

Reviewed By: Eugene Lasha


Date: August 13, 2024

Sci-Fi & Fantasy