I, Robot Soldier

Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author: Joel R. Dennstedt
Publisher: Joel R. Dennstedt
Publication Date: August 10, 2024
Number of Pages: 340

In I, Robot Soldier, Joel R. Dennstedt presents a thought-provoking and unique science fiction novel that delves into the complexities of human-robot relationships. The story follows a robot soldier, One Shot, who awakens from a war-torn world and finds himself lost and wounded as he navigates his new reality. One Shot bonds with a young girl named Amy, who becomes his sole concern and companion. He is bound to protect her, and the future of humanity depends on it. Amy wants to explore the world beyond the devastation she has noticed around her. Will One Shot protect her from the many dangers that lurk at every corner? 

The characters in the novel are well-developed and nuanced, with One Shot being a fascinating protagonist. As a robot, One Shot is programmed to serve humanity, but his experiences with Amy humanize him, and he develops emotions and empathy. On the other hand, Amy is a complex and multifaceted character, struggling to accept her past and place in the new world. Their interactions are often humorous and heartwarming as they learn to rely on each other in a harsh and uncertain environment. The setting is a post-apocalyptic world where destruction and chaos have ravaged the planet. The author's vivid descriptions of the desolate landscape effectively convey the bleakness of the situation while also highlighting humanity's resilience and adaptability. The imagery is compelling, and one quickly imagines instances like Amy and One Shot coming out from a tunnel to “A bleak coastal shoreline” mirroring “the same destructive aftermath that had plagued” their journey from the start. The novel's imagery is striking, with vivid descriptions of the apocalyptic wasteland and its eerie atmosphere. The use of sensory details, such as the sounds of scurrying rodents and the smell of smoke, effectively immerses the reader in the world of I, Robot Soldier. 

This novel cleverly examines the intersection between humanity and artificial intelligence, and the narrative gains a unique strength thanks to the first-person narrative voice that reflects the inner world, thoughts, and eventual emotions of a robot. The novel raises important questions about what it means to be human and whether machines can truly experience emotions and empathy. The relationship between One Shot and Amy becomes a microcosm for these more significant questions as they navigate their identities and purposes in a rapidly changing world. Joel R. Dennstedt has crafted an intriguing story that is as delightful as it is resonant with multidimensional characters and a finely drawn post-apocalyptic setting. 

Reviewed By: George Buehlman


Date: September 25, 2024

Sci-Fi & Fantasy