HOW: Life Navigation for People Who Think

Author: R. Geoffrey Blackburn
Publisher: Blackburn Studios
Publication Date: June 29, 2022
Number of Pages: 168
ISBN-10: ISBN: 978-1-7362618-2-8

HOW. Life Navigation for People Who Think by R. Geoffrey Blackburn is a groundbreaking work that provides a powerful tool for effective thinking. This is a book for people who want to make things happen; people who want to create ideas and transform those ideas into tangible reality. It is the guide for thinkers, one that allows them to navigate life successfully, find solutions to complex issues, adapt to changes, and be capable of getting just about anything they want. This book teaches readers how to think, it defines a process that works with any kind of idea.

The author writes about the creation process, identifying an objective, exploring ways and means to that objective, and selecting a promising idea. Readers will learn to engage in creative analysis, data evaluation, and workable options. They will understand the place of visualization in the execution of their ideas and how to make decisions that produce the best results.

R. Geoffrey Blackburn creates the perfect schema for the thought process. In a world that is filled with distractions and distressing moments, this book will help readers focus on what matters. Blackburn is a pro who writes in prose that is gorgeous, using examples that are relatable, and a style that is hugely accessible. This is a book you will use and use again if you want to make a difference in a world where thoughts are so easily overshadowed by emotions. This powerful book teaches readers how to think, what to think, and how to move from where they are to where they want to be. It is cleverly written, and ingeniously organized, an incredible book for go-getters and achievers. HOW. Life Navigation for People Who Think is the perfect companion to get you anywhere you would want to be. R. Geoffrey Blackburn’s book will help people unlock the most powerful gift they possess — the power of thought.

Reviewed By: David Reyes


Date: October 26, 2022

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