The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding that Will Change Your Life

Author: Maurie Daigneau
Publisher: Trilogy Christian Publishing
Publication Date: July 12, 2021
Number of Pages: 268
ISBN-10: 1637693443
ISBN-13: 978-1637693445
ASIN: B0975TZF15

Maurie Daigneau’s The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding that Will Change Your Life is a nonfiction book that answers the critical questions: Do we read and interpret the Bible properly? What is the core message of Jesus and how can we be so sure about it? Having been a Christian for many years, the author never experienced the joy promised in the Gospels. He captures his experience vividly, drawing the reader’s attention to the disturbing questions in his mind. Then abandoning his business, he dedicated his time to studying the Bible, and this book offers the stunning discoveries he made on that journey and the essential approach to understanding the Gospels that many people ignore.

In The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding that Will Change Your Life, readers will learn the one essential thing they need to know about the message of Jesus, understand how to contextualize Biblical passages, and find hope and liberating joy in Jesus’ message. The author illustrates in this book that the message of Jesus — instead of causing fear and disquietude in the soul — should inspire trust, joy, confidence, and hope. The book features interesting passages and anyone will appreciate the author’s explanation of the ignorance that causes the loss of souls. The book is well-written, featuring Biblical references that are relevant to the themes the author writes about. The author writes in crisp and beautiful prose, engaging readers in conversation with him and with God’s word. While this book is hugely informative, it is a powerful message that invites readers to question what they have learned about the Gospel, to rediscover the real visage of Christ of the Gospels, and to develop the right approach in interpreting the message of Christ. There is so much for Bible Study Groups in this book and there is much more for personal reflection. Maurie Daigneau’s book is a gift of faith, one to receive with gratitude and to pass on; it is well-researched and packed with insightful thoughts and soul-stirring passages, the book that adequately addresses the cause of the lawlessness and moral decay that invades contemporary American society.

Reviewed By: Kim Calderon


Date: August 5, 2021

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