Footsteps in the Dark

Category: Literature & Fiction
Author: Carlo Armenise
Publisher: Author's Tranquility Press
Publication Date: August 1, 2023
Number of Pages: 163
ISBN-10: 978-1-962859-05-9

Footsteps in the Dark: Stories of the Bizarre and Unusual by Carlo Armenise delivers an intriguing collection of horror stories. While these are not your run-of-the-mill horror tales, they examine the darker parts of human nature, presenting sophisticated and genuinely flawed characters. In “A Conversation with Death,” Jeremy, still reeling from the murder of his wife, joins forces with FBI veteran Flannigan to chase a serial killer who stabs his victims, both male and female, twenty to thirty times with a hunting knife. Can Jeremy find the killer of his wife? The “Potion” introduces Mona Moore,” the most beautiful woman in the world and a movie superstar, gifted with a potion by an old woman to keep her ageless and beautiful. But can she hold to the rules? “The Collector” introduces Marvin Thomas, the world's leading authority on coin collection — a selfish, mean, and greedy little man. Seymour has one of the rarest coins, and Marvin is so jealous of him, but Seymour won't sell the coin to Marvin no matter what happens. Marvin's demise will shock readers in this tale. Such are the kinds of stories readers will find in this gorgeous collection.  

This book is a masterfully crafted collection of eight supernatural horror short stories that will leave readers enthralled and eager for more. The author is a master at delivering spine-tingling suspense that will appeal to even the most skeptical horror fans—the ability to darkness and entertainment becomes the hallmark of this collection. The writing is crisp, and the author demonstrates a unique sense of the economy of words, crafting measured phrases. He never wastes words. Yet, the dialogues sparkle, the imagery gripping readers by the cuffs, and the descriptions are terrific. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with their flaws and weaknesses making them all the more human. Footsteps in the Dark is infused with realism and humanity, and the book subverts expectations, and the author turns familiar tropes on their head, making each story unique and original. The characters are not one-dimensional villains or heroes but rather complex individuals with motivations and backstories that provide depth to the narratives. The stories are expertly paced, with each tale slowly building towards a shocking climax. The suspense is skillfully handled, with just enough tension and surprise to keep readers guessing until the end. The length of each story is also a significant strength, with each tale being long enough to feel satisfying but short enough to keep the reader wanting more — just like a miniskirt that is short enough to arouse curiosity and long enough to cover the most intimate part. It is an absolutely satisfying read!

Reviewed By: John Grossman


Date: September 25, 2024
