
Category: Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
Author: Carole Eglash Kosoff
Publisher: Valley Village Publishing
Publication Date: June 2, 2022
Number of Pages: 368
ISBN-10: 1792388233
ISBN-13: 978-1792388231

GUFF: A Novel by Carole Eglash-Kosoff follows a teenager, Guff Rankin, who runs away from Nebraska and finds himself in California. It is in the 1940s and the story follows his journey as he tries to stay away from trouble while discovering his unique skills, layer by layer, accompanied by Nick, his friend, and skilled pickpocket. Guff’s ability to recognize patterns leads him to work as a code breaker. The narrative follows Guff against the backdrop of WWII as he gets enlisted and his extraordinary ability to work with numbers and patterns leads him to encryption, decoding enemy secrets, and an adventure against some of the most disturbing moments of WWII.

This is an incredible story, a rollicking adventure of a young man seeking to find a foothold in a world that is fast spiraling out of control, splintered by war, and shaken by changing cultural values. The narrative is set in the period following the Great Depression and the author paints a vivid image of Hollywood that becomes a magnet for young and beautiful girls seeking a place in the movie industry. The protagonist is a character that readers will not only want to follow but will find it impossible to not do so. From the very first lines of the story, the author grabs the attention of readers by creating a sense of mystery and anonymity about this character: “His name was Guff. It was the only name he’d ever known. When he was a toddler some people thought he was Irish. They said he looked Irish. He wasn’t Irish. A few thought he might be German. He had that Aryan-looking blondish hair and blue eyes.” This uncanny, unique style of describing characters, situations, and settings persists throughout the novel. The deceptively simple style of writing, characterized by short sentences, helps to hasten the pacing. For instance, the description of Guff’s father is not just interesting but nuanced, allowing readers to not consider just what he looks like, but to grasp the contrast between what he believes and who he really is, a “stern, religious man filled with the righteousness of a prophet but devoid of all those genes associated with compassion.” The lyrical style of writing combines with the witticism and the humor that punctuate the narrative to lift the entertainment potential of GUFF: A Novel. It is character-driven, intelligently plotted, and spellbinding. You will enjoy the prose as much as the lively characters. 

Reviewed By: Bertin Drizller


Date: July 9, 2022