A Celtic Yuletide Carol

Category: Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
Author: Jennifer Ivy Walker
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (November 6, 2024)
Publication Date: November 6, 2024
Number of Pages: 187


A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker is a historical fiction set in medieval France, specifically in the 13th century. The story takes place during the Christmas season in the winter of 1250 and revolves around the themes of family, love, redemption, and healing. The main characters in the novel are Gaultier and Cardin de Landuc, two Breton knights defending the Atlantic coast of Aquitaine for King Philippe le Bel of France. Gaultier is the older brother who has taken on a fatherly role to Cardin, who is struggling with his past and his addiction to drinking and gambling. The novel also introduces Laudine, the Lady of the Sacred Spring, a renowned healer and priestess of the Celtic goddess Dana. The story begins with Gaultier dragging his brother Cardin out of a tavern where he has been involved in a fight. Gaultier is tired of having to bail out his brother and wants to bring him home to their family's castle in Brittany. His past haunts Cardin, and his addiction and injuries from the fight serve as a reminder of his destructive behavior. 

Meanwhile, Laudine is preparing for the Yuletide season and wants her three sons to return for the holidays. However, her wayward son Cardin has refused to return to Brittany for years, and she is determined to find a way to bring him back. She enlists the help of Ulla, a young healer studying under Laudine's tutelage. Ulla agrees to help Laudine concoct a plan to lure Cardin back to Brittany by pretending that Laudine is ill and needs her sons to come home to see her before she passes away. As the story unfolds, we see the characters struggling with their demons. Gaultier is frustrated with his brother's behavior and wants to help him overcome his addiction. Cardin is torn between his desire to escape his past and his love for his family. Laudine is desperate to be reunited with her sons and wants to find a way to heal their wounds. And Ulla is dealing with her tragic past and desire to help others. 

The novel's setting is primarily le Château de Montmarin, a medieval castle in Aquitaine, and le Château de Landuc, Laudine's castle in Brittany. The author vividly describes the medieval landscape and architecture, immersing the reader in the world of 13th-century France. The conflict in the novel revolves around the characters' inner struggles and their relationships with each other and with themselves. Jennifer Ivy Walker deftly explores themes of family, love, redemption, and healing. The characters struggle with their personal issues but try to find ways to heal and redeem themselves. The Christmas theme is eloquently depicted in this spellbinding narrative. The story highlights the importance of forgiveness, compassion, and understanding. The genuinely flawed and intriguing characters will entice readers. The prose is gorgeous, and the author has a unique sense of the economy of words, crafting vivid descriptions and infusing the writing with sparkling dialogues. A Celtic Yuletide Carol is a deft, balanced, captivating historical fiction with lovable characters and a place and time readers will gladly explore.


Reviewed By: Sarah Harkness


Date: September 26, 2024