Blood Influence

Category: Fiction - Fantasy
Author: I C Lawrance
Publisher: Book Reality Experience
Publication Date: June 8, 2021
Number of Pages: 265
ISBN-13: 978-1922670045

Blood Influence by I.C. Lawrance presents a world where the mysterious Tower casts an ominous shadow over the Bowl, a land that seems to thrive on the outside but one in which the inhabitants live in fear. Shan, Molly, and Moira, three 13-year-olds, are entangled with the Tower due to their unique abilities called Influence. The Tower pulls the gifted ones to itself, but can the three teenage girls be protected from its power? Lawrance crafts a thrilling narrative that explores the consequences of possessing a rare gift, introducing readers to a world filled with mystery and characters that are intriguing and richly fashioned.

The author writes in gorgeous prose and the vivid descriptions offer a fully drawn portrait of the Bowl. The Tower is a character in its own right and takes a prominent place in the story, becoming the malignant force that drives the conflict and determines the choices the characters make. The persistent atmosphere of suspense and intrigue carries the story forward and the premise of the Tower selecting girls with Influence sets the stage for an unforgettable fantasy adventure. Lawrance masterfully introduces the characters, particularly Shan, Molly, and Moira, whose lives become intertwined in unexpected ways. The alternating chapters focusing on each girl's perspective augment the suspense while allowing readers to connect with the individual struggles and journeys of the characters.

The scenes within the Tower are captivating, and they depict a dark and isolated place that erodes memories and individuality. The mysterious protagonist's escape using newfound abilities is thrilling in the plot. Lawrance's portrayal of the Tower as an evil force seeking to exploit Influence creates complexity in the story and deepens the sense of the characters' predicaments. As the story moves forward, the relationships between characters, especially Jess and Angus, take center stage. Angus's discovery of Jess outside Town and their subsequent bond create an emotional anchor for the story. The protective and supportive dynamic between Angus, Jess, and Maima brings a heartwarming feel to the tale. Readers will be enthralled by the intricate web of connections between the characters, the stunningly imagined setting, and the strong plot points. Blood Influence stands out not only in its suspenseful plot but also in its exploration of the psychological and emotional depth of the characters who must face their fears, deal with loss, and look forward to uncertainty. This nuanced, well-crafted story had me turning the pages.

Reviewed By: Romuald Dzemo


Date: January 31, 2024