TWO TEDS: Twilight Rendezvous

Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author: R. A. Cabral
Publisher: Lost Armada Productions
Publication Date: January 2, 2023
Number of Pages: 135
ISBN-13: 9798358771635

In Two Teds: Twilight Rendezvous by R. A. Cabral, a co-host on a radio show sets out against all odds to accomplish an extraordinary mission. Theadora Bulda has been brought to the radio program on KPFA Berkeley called “Two Teds'' because of her unique perspective on archeology and her interest in Egyptology. A thesis that challenges the “Orion Correlation Theory” puts her at loggerheads with the department head, Dean Simmons. Thea's encounter with an Extra-Dimensional being called Lumia changes everything for her as she becomes the voice to lead the ''New Path'' enlightenment. As Thea begins to spread the word about the New Path on the ''Two Teds'' radio program, she attracts more followers while the dean continues to show contempt for her and her followers. Will Thea preserve her life and succeed in her new role as tension mounts?

Two Teds is an engaging story that explores a conflict of values and traditions. Thea is a fully developed heroine, a forward-thinking woman whose curiosity and the quest for spiritual knowledge are opposed to the traditional values of her department Dean. R. A. Cabral crafts a world that is spiritually rich and succeeds in merging multiple worlds in this spellbinding narrative. This is a nuanced tale with strong and fully drawn characters and one that will appeal to fans of paranormal and science fiction. The author has the ability to meld realistic themes with the magic of the supernatural, teasing readers with the persistent thought of the spiritual while putting the heroine in a world that is easily recognizable —immediate and real. The voice is compelling, the prose is beautiful, and the characterization is as inventive as any reader could expect. 

Reviewed By: James Farlow


Date: January 23, 2023