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Morbid Thoughts and The Domino Effect

Perry Muse | Biographies and Memoirs

Morbid Thoughts and The Domino Effect by Perry Muse offers a raw and heartfelt account of the author's journey through life's trials, from harrowing accidents to a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Muse's narrative weaves together moments of humor, resilience, and introspection, creating a compelling reading experience for readers. Muse's candid exploration of his battles against physical and mental adversaries is at the heart of the book. From surviving catastrophic accidents to confronting the shadowy specters of morbid thoughts, he opens his soul with honesty and vulnerability, revealing the pain and humanity to readers. Through Muse's words, readers are invited to witness the highs and lows of his existence, from the exhilarating thrill of triumph to the crushing weight of despair.Morbid Thoughts and The Domino Effect is a deeply personal memoir that is as resonant as it is captivating. While the author tells the story in accessible and engaging prose, the incredible and stunning...

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A. R. Miller (Amazon)

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