DIRTY SCIENCE: How Unscientific Methods Are Blocking Our Cultural Advancement

Category: Non-Fiction - Social Issues
Author: Bob Gebelein
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication Date: December 31, 2018
Number of Pages: 220
ISBN-10: 0-9614611-4-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-9614611-4-0

In Dirty Science: How Unscientific Methods Are Blocking Our Cultural Advancements, Bob Gebelein exposes readers to the unscientific claims that conventional scientists make to block research pertaining to the non-physical world. Graduating from Harvard and working as a computer programmer, Bob experienced the biases in scientific establishments first-hand when he shifted his focus toward psychotherapy, culture, dream analysis, and the concepts presented by Freud and Jung in the field of parapsychology. According to Gebelein, by using their power, politics, and influence to demean and block the efforts of those researching the non-physical world, conventional scientists are slowing down the process of our spiritual and mental growth and understanding. This book exposes those tactics and opens the minds of readers to truths that are not revealed through conventional science. 

Throughout the book, Bob thoroughly discusses the topics of interest and uses real-life examples of how unscientific claims are used when scientific ones can't back the claims of those trying to end the studies on the non-physical aspects of life. He has also exposed popular scientists, such as John B. Watson, Thomas Szasz, and Edward O. Wilson, who constantly use ridicule and politics to support their agenda of disregarding all research based on the non-physical realm. Throughout the book, the readers will gain a deeper understanding with great insights into the flaws within the scientific community. 

Dirty Science: How Unscientific Methods Are Blocking Our Cultural Advancement is a bold move to expose why human civilization is centuries away from understanding deep-rooted yet highly ignored concepts that may be non-physical but work in harmony with the physical world. The author is a true mastermind who does not shy away from sharing his strong beliefs backed by undeniable evidence. Dirty Science: How Unscientific Methods Are Blocking Our Cultural Advancements is a powerful indictment of false science and a book that will appeal strongly to fans of spirituality and readers with an interest in other dimensions of life.

Reviewed By: Romuald Dzemo


Date: February 22, 2022

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