Embers of Shadow, Ages of Malice, Book III

Category: Supernatural Thrillers
Author: Lloyd Jeffries
Publisher: Buckminster Publishing
Publication Date: April 28, 2024
Number of Pages: 371
ISBN-13: 979-8-9855269-7-4

Embers of Shadow is Lloyd Jeffries's third book in the Ages of Malice series. This entry delivers a spellbinding ride for fans of crime thrillers and readers who enjoy stories with complex characters and phenomenal conflict. In this electrifying third installment of the Ages of Malice series, Rhyme Carter and Emery Merrick face their most significant challenges as the Antichrist's power grows. After a brazen attack on Israel, Rhyme must fight for her freedom from her evil husband and the FBI, all while uncovering the secrets of a secret society bent on world domination. Meanwhile, Emery watches in horror as the Antichrist launches a devastating coup that changes the course of human history. With time running out, Rhyme and Emery must join forces to stop the Antichrist's reign of terror and prevent the apocalypse. But as they navigate treacherous landscapes and unexpected alliances, they realize that the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut. Will they outwit the forces of darkness and save humanity from destruction?

Embers of Shadow by Lloyd Jeffries is a complex and thrilling tale that weaves multiple storylines and characters across different periods. The story is set in modern-day Maryland, Israel, and ancient Turkey, with the plot spanning over 2,000 years. The plot moves at a brisk clip. The plot points are intriguing, from the mysterious and urgent call to Bill, a journalist, to meet Cain, which sets off a chain of events that puts him amid an epic battle to the ancient story of Longinus, who is transformed into a giant to fight against an army, and his subsequent flight to Rome. The attack on the Church of the Transfiguration seems to be connected to Cain's plans and it creates a sense of suspense and intrigue. The conflict is brilliantly handled, revolving around the struggle between good and evil, with characters like Cain and Sephus epitomizing darkness and chaos. This novel has a complex setting, from ancient Turkey to modern-day Maryland. Using ancient settings such as Misthli (modern-day Turkey) and the Church of the Transfiguration adds a sense of historical depth to the story. In contrast, the modern-day setting in Maryland provides a contemporary context for the plot. The characters in the novel are multidimensional and complex, with motivations that are not always clear. This engrossing thriller is peppered with witty dialogues, emotionally charged scenes, and action that keep readers turning the pages.

Reviewed By: Cristina Prescott


Date: July 17, 2024