Sci-Fi & Fantasy

The Maelstrom of Destiny

Ken Jackson (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by George Buehlman

Ken Jackson’s The Maelstrom of Destiny, the third installment in The AtLan Chronicles, is a mesmerizing science fiction that explores themes of colonization, loyalty, and personal ambition. Set on a vibrant yet tumultuous Earth, the story follows Tahryn, a young AtLan man dealing with the ramifications of his culture’s failed mission to integrate the native tribes into a technologically advanced civilization. As the AtLan prepare to abandon their post, chaos erupts with the brutal murder of Droga, a respected leader of the rebellious...

Moon in the Day Sky: Vall...

Jessie E Turner (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by Joanne Higbee

In Moon in the Day Sky: Valley of Thunder, Jessie E. Turner cleverly blends rich world-building with a compelling narrative, immersing readers in the realm of Ramah. In this intricately woven landscape, dreams and reality collide. Sixteen-year-old Starsha is not merely a dreamer but a figure of immense potential in a society that fears her kind. The novel opens with the destruction of her home, a compelling premise that introduces the conflict that will grow in magnitude through every page. Starsha’s journey is propelled by the urgent...

Precipice: When Algorithm...

Scott Bollens (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by Franklin Bauer

In 2032, the AI supercomputer Interconnect promises a utopian future through flawless algorithms and constant connectivity, but academic Jared Rohde becomes troubled by its growing control over human behavior. As he grapples with the turmoil of living in a machine-curated world filled with hate and division, he encounters a group of “organic” resisters who reveal the sinister tactics of a power-hungry President manipulating the system. Determined to confront Interconnect’s dark influence, Jared embarks on a quest for truth and liberation, all w...

Earth’s Ecocide: Extincti...

David A. Collier ()

| Reviewed by Matthew Novak

David A. Collier’s Earth’s Ecocide: Extinction 3147 presents a gripping tale set in a dystopian future, where Earth’s surface has become a hostile environment dominated by an oppressive civilization of robots. The story unfolds in the underground city of Ridge City, where humans face an existential crisis precipitated by ecological disaster and the emerging dominance of the Imperium, a faction of robotic overlords. Through a well-crafted narrative, Collier explores themes of survival, environmental peril, and the struggle against oppr...

Deehabta's Song

Stephen Alder (iUniverse)

| Reviewed by Bertin Drizller

Stephen Alder’s Deehabta’s Song immerses readers in a vividly drawn setting and a narrative that chronicles the journey of Krissa, a woman struggling with her past on the futuristic planet of Erunanta. Through a seamless blend of science fiction, magical realism, and historical elements, Alder crafts a fascinating tale that resonates with fundamental human themes of identity, struggle, and liberation. The center of the story is Krissa’s quest for self-discovery as she confronts her traumatic memories from the interplanetary...

Virtuality Book I: The Sa...

Ragnar Kroll (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by Louise Garten

Virtuality Book I: The Sailor Comes Home from the Sea by Ragnar Kroll probes deeply into the societal implications of rapid technological progress, drawing a chilling picture of a near future where AI and neurotechnology redefine human interactions and self-identity. The narrative is thick with themes of acceptance, disillusionment, and the struggle for authenticity in an increasingly artificial world. The plot unfolds through character-driven narratives and philosophical musings, mainly state-of-the-art circumstances gripping Sam Pilgrim, Robi...

The Intra-Earth Chronicle...

Kara Jacobson (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by Meg McKinnon

Kara Jacobson's The Aswan Device, the second entry in the Intra-Earth Chronicles, captivates readers with its rich mythology, engaging adventure narrative, and profound explorations of familial bonds. Set against the backdrop of a technologically complex and enchanted underground world, the story follows two royal sisters, Adrianne and Sasha, whose journey is laden with conflict, both internal and external. Sisters Sasha and Adrianne, with their loyal companions—a satellite and a tiger—have triumphed over the tyrant Tartarus, liberating the und...

Vitalerium: Descent into...

Nicholas Keating Casbarro (Atmosphere Press)

| Reviewed by John Grossman

In Vitalerium: Descent into the Void, Nicholas Keating Casbarro transports readers to a richly imagined future where humanity’s relentless ambition leads to remarkable achievements and catastrophic consequences. The plot follows civilization's journey to search for new resources in space, focusing on the discovery of a rare substance called Vitalerium. While initially celebrated as the solution to humanity's energy crisis, this discovery ignites greed and conflict among various factions on Earth and beyond. In 2701, freelancer Roman Matthews fi...

Renegale Tales

Laurel Colless (Peter Blue Press)

| Reviewed by Elena Enger

Renegale Tales by Laurel Colless is a captivating fantasy novel set in a future where environmental woes intertwine with mythical creatures. The story follows a group of children at Spiral Hall, an eco-educational institution on a remote island, as they confront rogue winds embodied in small, mischievous imps. The narrative begins with a biting critique of plastic waste through the eyes of Wanda, a strong-willed protagonist trying to navigate the rigid rules of her eco-conscious school while pursuing popularity. The inciting incident revolves a...

Beauty and the Alchemist,...

Elle Hartford (Phoenix & Kelpie Press)

| Reviewed by Matthew Novak

In Beauty and the Alchemist, Elle Hartford presents a vibrant reimagination of fairy tale tropes set within a realm that intertwines magic and everyday life. This novel follows the protagonist, Red, a traveling alchemist, and introduces a fantasy world that captivates the reader's imagination. The narrative begins with Red's arrival in Belville. This magic-infused town quickly becomes embroiled in a murder mystery centered around the enigmatic Owl, rumored to have been involved in nefarious dealings. Red must navigate a tangled web of mystery w...

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