Family Saga Fiction

A Thousand Valleys

Category:Family Saga Fiction

Author:Ken Fulmer

  • Publisher: Treerise Press
  • Publication Date: October 4, 2021
  • Number of Pages: 436
  • ISBN-10: 1955323011
  • ISBN-13: 978-1955323017

Jimmy Taylor, a 7-year-old boy, must take matters into his own hands and stand his ground as everything around him seems to be falling apart. After getting a divorce and experiencing her son’s near-death, his mother, Sara, packs up their bags to move to Raleigh to be closer to her parents. She lost her husband, her job as a nurse, and almost her son. The events have already taken a toll on her mental health, and seeing her deteriorating health, her father, 56-year-old Phil Soderlind, decides to step in. There is nothing Jimmy doesn’t do to help his mom, but the screeching voices inside her head, taunting and humiliating her, are too overpowering to control. Christmas is a joyful time that brings even the most detached families together. However, with Sara’s sister in town, things are set to go further downhill.

A Thousand Valleys by Ken Fulmer takes family drama to a whole new level with an exceptional narrative and memorable characters. Jimmy's story is heartbreaking, yet his determination and friendships, such as that with Troy, will make any heart melt a thousand times over. Taking readers back to the '70s, the book holds great value in depicting the life of a single mother during that time and how her only child suffers along with her.

With creative plot twists and Ken Fulmer’s unique storytelling techniques, this book will become readers’ companion during turbulent times. With Sara juggling work, motherly responsibilities, and a mental illness, she comes off as a strong, powerful character that many can relate to. As a child of divorce, Jimmy also leaves a lasting impact with his pop culture references and his adorably undying love for cartoons and movies. If you’re wondering whether you should pick up this book, the answer is a definite yes. It is a life-affirming work that superbly translates family drama, the ache in the human soul, and the quest for healing. Perfect for a Christmas gift!

Reviewed By: David Reyes

Reviewed Date: November 28, 2021

Category: Family Saga Fiction